Firefly’s Podiatric Biomechanics Symposium | 2014 saw leading podiatrists come together to talk on a range of subjects from podiatric biomechanics and surgery to more specific pathologies like Diabetes.
The event focussed on the latest advances in evidence based treatment for complex foot and ankle pathologies.
Day 1
Dr. Peter Cavanagh, PhD, DSc.
“Shape and pressure based in-shoe orthoses for prevention of forefoot ulcers in diabetes”
Dr Tim Kilmartin, FCPodS, PhD.
“Osteoarthrosis of the midfoot. The mechanics, the mathematics and the management”
M/S Jill Cundell, F.C.Pod.M, MSc.
“Diabetic foot Practice challenges”
Dr Doug Richie, DPM.
“Moving beyond Foot Orthotic Therapy to Treat Challenging Pathologies of the Ankle and Hindfoot”
Mr. Trevor Prior, FCPodS.
Biomechanical unknown unknowns: how to find the things we did not know we did not know.”
Dr. Chris MacLean, PhD.
“Clinical Case Studies in Integrated Applied Biomechanics”
Dr Jack Schubert, DPM.
“The art of the total ankle”
Day 2
Dr Chris MacLean, PhD
“Gait Retraining for the Podiatrist”
“Tibial Shock in distance running: insight into the effects of foot strike pattern”
M/S Jill Cundell, F.C.Pod.M, MSc
“Managing the diabetic wound – current trends.”
Dr. Jack Schuberth, DPM
“The Spectrum of 2nd MTPJ Pathology”
Dr Doug Richie, DPM
“Raising the Arch of the Human Foot: A novel look at how flatfoot surgeries and foot orthotic therapy really work”