1. Introduction

Firefly Orthoses is committed to preventing and eradicating modern slavery in all its forms, including but not limited to human trafficking, forced labour, child labour, and bonded labour. We recognize our responsibility to ensure that our operations and supply chains are free from any practices that involve exploitation and forced labour.

2. Policy Statement

We condemn modern slavery and are dedicated to the promotion of human rights and ethical business practices. Firefly Orthoses is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in all our activities and expects the same from our suppliers, partners, and associates.

3. Scope

This policy applies to Firefly Orthoses ROI Limited and Firefly Orthoses NI Limited and extends to all our subsidiaries, employees, suppliers, contractors, and anyone acting on our behalf. We are committed to ensuring that modern slavery is not present within our organization or our supply chains.

4. Risk Assessment

We will conduct regular risk assessments to identify and evaluate the risk of modern slavery within our operations and supply chains. This assessment will guide our efforts to prevent and address modern slavery effectively.

5. Due Diligence

Firefly Orthoses will implement due diligence processes to identify, prevent, and mitigate the risk of modern slavery within our supply chains. We will work with our suppliers to ensure they adhere to the same principles.

6. Training and Awareness

We will provide training and awareness programs to our employees and suppliers to ensure they recognize and understand the signs of modern slavery and know how to report concerns. We are committed to continuous education and improvement in this regard.

7. Reporting Mechanisms

We will establish mechanisms that allow employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report any suspected cases of modern slavery. We guarantee confidentiality and non-retaliation for anyone reporting such concerns.

8. Supplier Engagement

We will actively engage with our suppliers to communicate our commitment to eradicating modern slavery and expect them to adopt similar principles. We will support and collaborate with suppliers to achieve this goal.

9. Performance Monitoring

We will regularly monitor and assess our performance in combatting modern slavery. Progress will be measured, and corrective actions will be taken to address any identified shortcomings.

10. Compliance and Consequences

Non-compliance with this policy may result in the termination of relationships with suppliers or disciplinary action against employees, as appropriate. We are committed to enforcing our policy consistently and transparently.

11. Transparency and Communication

Firefly Orthoses will communicate its efforts and progress in addressing modern slavery through annual reports and other appropriate channels. We will collaborate with stakeholders to promote transparency and accountability.

This Modern Slavery Policy will be reviewed and updated as needed to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with our commitment to combatting modern slavery.

Contact Information
If you have any questions related to this policy, please contact us via email at [email protected] or phone (UK) 0203 3550997 / (ROI) 0719149494.

This document was as last updated:  2nd December 2024