Firefly attend Foot Health 2016 | Kettering Conference Centre

Yes, yes, we’re attending I-FAB 2016 in Berlin this week, but we’re also maintaining our presence locally too! Firefly Orthoses is attending Foot Health 2016 at Kettering Conference Centre this week. You’ll find us at stand 50. Make sure you stop by and say ‘hello’!

Foot Health is now well established as the largest independent conference for podiatrists in the UK.  FootHealth 2016 will return to centrally located Kettering Conference Centre.

Invited delegates will include Podiatrists, Physiotherapists, GPs and other interested health professionals.

Make Sure to visit stand 50 and say hello to Firefly’s Claire.

On hand will be Claire Carr, flying the flag for Firefly at the event. Claire will have a full selection of Firefly custom made orthoses samples, including OTCs and info on the Richie Brace AFOs.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Firefly Orthoses, make sure to leave your contact details with Claire and we’ll include you on our mailing list.  Claire will also give you an overview of the benefits of being a customer of Firefly Orthoses.

Foot Health 2016 has it’s own facebook page where you can keep up to date on any relevant information ahead of and during the conference. We look forward to seeing you there.

Firefly conference stand

Firefly Conference Stand – Foot Health 2016

FIREFLY attending i-FAB 2016, Berlin.

This week Firefly Orthoses will be attending the i-FAB conference in Berlin. The conference runs as part of Foot International 2016.

Podiatry at Plymouth University

Firefly Orthoses recently partnered with Plymouth University’s School of Health Professions to help promote their BSc (Hons.) in Podiatry.

The Podiatry cohort from the University recently exhibited at the Royal Cornwall Show to promote the University’s undergraduate programme in Podiatry.

To display the scope and breadth of Podiatry as a profession, the University’s stand at the show presented a forensic crime scene. The public who attended the show were invited to solve the crime using forensic podiatric tools and techniques.

The stand proved hugely popular with younger visitors to the show, with many not just solving the crime but giving reasons why! Firefly Orthoses sponsored a prize that was given away at the stand on the day.

Firefly Orthoses is delighted to have played a role in helping Plymouth University promote the podiatry profession at the show.

About Plymouth University’s BSc (Hons.) Podiatry

The BSc (Hons.) Podiatry is a three year, full time degree. In the 2015 National Student Survey, 95% of  the programme’s graduates praised it for having staff that were available to students when needed and 90% graduated feeling confident in tackling unfamiliar problems and situations as a direct result of the degree.

The degree sees its students take part in 1,000 hours of practice learning across the three years.  This is an integral part of podiatry training.

For those interested in finding out more about the University’s Podiatry degree, the University’s open day takes place Wednesday, June 22nd.

Firefly Orthoses’ website has its own podiatry education portal where students and professionals alike can access a wealth of knowledge, free of charge.


Foot Health 2016 & other upcoming conferences

Foot Health 2016 & Foot International Congress 2016

There’s  a number of events we are confirmed to attend for the second portion of the year, starting in June. Foot Health 2016 takes place in Kettering, Northamptonshire from June 21st to 22nd.  At Foot Health 2016 we will have a wide selection of Firefly Orthoses sample devices. Firefly podiatrist Claire Carr will be on-hand to answer any questions you have about our devices. Three days later we’re in Berlin for the Foot International 2016 Congress.  At this event we’ll be presenting our exclusive range of Richie Brace® devices.  The Richie Brace® proves an excellent device for the conservative treatment of adult acquired flatfoot. The congress runs from the 23rd until the 25th at the Urania centre. This event brings together a mix of surgeons, primary researchers, clinicians and industry partners to interact and exchange foot and ankle information. For the first time, this year’s event sees the EFAS (European Foot and Ankle Society), DAF (German Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society) and i-FAB (International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics Society) all come together. On July 1st we’re in Birmingham for the Podopaediatrics Conference. On September 16th we’re at the Royal College of Surgeons, London for the 5th Annual Podiatric Sports Medicine Conference.

Where Firefly have been in 2016

Already this year we’ve attended the British Association of Prosthetists & Orthotists Conference in Coventry. In April we attended events at both ends of the island of Ireland. The SCPI annual conference was held in Cork at the beginning of the month. Later in the month we attended the Erne Resort in County Fermanagh for the Northern Ireland College of Podiatry Conference.

Firefly at conferences

At Firefly Orthoses we view attending conferences and podiatric related expos as an important element in how we present our products and services. These events provide an excellent opportunity for us to interact face-to-face with your our customers. At these events we find out what our customers are talking about, what is working for them and what opportunities are presenting themselves across the discipline of Podiatry.

Glasgow Symposium

We would also like to bring to your attention the ‘Bringing Legs to Life’ symposium taking place on June 7th at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. The symposium will focus on the topic of ‘promoting viability and preserving tissue in the lower limb‘.  Keynote speaker for the event is Prof. Ben Lipsky, visiting Professor, Teaching Associate, Green Templeton College, University of Oxford. We look forward to seeing you at the many conferences, events and expos we are due to attend. Make sure you call over to our stand if you are attending any of the above events and say ‘hi’. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about our products or services.

Firefly Orthoses closed for two dates in June

Please note, the offices of Firefly Orthoses will be closed for two dates in June, 2016. Our office will be closed during:

  • Friday, June 3rd
  • Monday, June 6th

Our office will be closed on Friday, June 3rd to facilitate in-house services. The following Monday, June 6th, is a bank holiday in the Republic of Ireland which means Firefly’s office will reopen at 9am on Tuesday, June 7th. Should you have any queries or wish to contact our offices during these dates we advise using email to submit your query. Our staff will reply when we reopen on Tuesday.

Alaa Razak visits Firefly Orthoses

In recent days we welcomed London Podiatrist, Alaa Razak to Firefly Orthoses’ HQ and Lab.

About Alaa

Alaa’s Kensington Podiatry clinic is part of the Smart Medical Group, located at Brompton Cross (South Kensington). There she specialises in gait analysis, MSK podiatry, lower limb acupuncture and manipulation.

Raza and the Fireflies

Alaa and the Fireflies

Alaa is also based in University Hospital Lewisham were she completes Musculoskeletal Outpatient clinics and holds position as the Student Clinical Co-ordinator. We’d like to thank Alaa for visiting us, we look forward to welcoming her back again soon, if we don’t see you in London first, Alaa!

Come visit Firefly Orthoses

If you are interested in visiting Firefly Orthoses’ Lab you can find further information here.  You can email expressing you interest in visiting us and we’ll help coordinate your trip.

High Heels hit the Headlines

As UK law, workplace dress codes and high heels collide, the Podiatry profession comes to the fore. Among all this Firefly Orthoses can offer a solution to the pain caused by high heels.

Guidelines for treating the Diabetic foot

Analysis of recent literature relating to diabetes has produced The Management of the Diabetic Foot: A clinical practice guideline by the Society for Vascular Surgery in collaboration with the American Podiatric Medical Association and the Society for Vascular Medicine in the United States.

Bartold Biomechanics Seminar

Firefly is attending the Simon Bartold Seminar on the final day of the 2016 College of Podiatry conference at the Lough Erne Resort in Co. Fermanagh. Martin McGeough and Greg Gillanders are representing both Firefly Orthoses Ltd and Firefly’s Foot & Ankle Clinics.

Bartold Biomechanics

Simon Bartold

Simon Bartold is a renowned name in the field of Biomechanics, his seminars regularly sell out around the world.  Beginning his careers as a Podiatrist and sports researcher in Australia, he now works alongside Asics as an international research consultant. Bartold is well known for his stance against ‘minimalist’ or barefoot running and has played a role with Asics in the production of gender specific running shoes. Simon’s seminar at the Northern Ireland conference is titled The Dynamic Athlete Assessment Protocol. Simon’s website, Bartold Biomechanics, describes the seminar as:

taking a unique and very hands-on approach to the assessment of the injured athlete, this seminar will give you the tools to change the way you assess and treat your patients. If you feel trapped in outdated models of static assessment, if you really want to learn new and relevant techniques that will immediately challenge the way you practice, this seminar is an absolute must. 

The seminar is an all-day event and will bring the 2016 conference to a close.  Thank you to everyone who called by the Firefly Orthoses stand at this year’s conference. The next event Firefly Orthoses will attend is the Foot Health 2016 conference in Kettering on June 21st and 22nd. Hope to see you there.

Firefly attending SCP Conference in Fermanagh

Martin, Greg, Maurya and Nicola from Firefly are all in Fermanagh for the next few days, attending the College of Podiatry Conference 2016. The conference is taking place at the Lough Erne Resort, County Fermanagh. We  have a stand at the conference where we have a samples of our product range.  These include our custom made foot orthoses, over the counter devices and the Richie Brace devices.

Simon Bartold

Simon Bartold speaks at Fermanagh conference

Simon Bartold is the keynote speaker for the event [pictured above], speaking about Biomechanics.  Other speakers at the event include digital marketing expert Jill Woods, Declan Hanna discussing chronic pain management and Hayden Kelly on forensics.

Firefly Orthoses Stand at SCP Fermanagh.

Firefly Orthoses Stand at SCP Fermanagh.

Make sure to call to the Firefly Orthoses stand and have a chat with the Fireflies, we’re at the conference until Saturday.